Physical Therapy in San Luis Obispo
helping people help themselves
Our Mission
Our team of highly educated physical therapists are here to support you. Whether you are an athlete, elder, or somewhere in-between, every client’s situation is different. Everyone has their own unique story. We want to hear your story because by understanding your injury within the context of your lifestyle, we are better able to build a specialized treatment plan that accommodates your needs. Our physical therapists work hard to create comprehensive treatment plans that give patients the tools to lead healthy lives long after they’ve left our office.
Our Purpose
We look at the whole picture, not just the injury. We work with our patients to help them build the strength and the confidence to tackle everyday tasks with ease. We work cohesively and productively to help our patients achieve optimal movement and meet their goals. We value our patients’ time and energy and we make our work together count. We want people to be able to move on with their lives pain-free. “When someone gets better, we’ve worked together,” says Jamie Guerra, PT. We strive to support the health and happiness of the community. Body + Balance Center believes in a compassionate and interactive approach to bodywork and healing. Our goal is to empower individuals. We are here to help people help themselves.
Our Goals
At Body + Balance Center our primary goal is that you are educated about your diagnosis and understand your specified treatment plan. Our second goal is that you are provided with the best tools and techniques for self care so you then can maintain body function, reduce pain and maximize mobility on your own, long after your last session with a therapist.